I'm Still Here - A Life and Workshop Update
Starting Fresh in 2024 A moment from the heart: I will begin by saying - I know I've been absent for almost a year. My life and my kids' lives took a drastic turn at the end of June last year and we are finally starting fresh this year after some BIG changes to our family and our daily lives. We have gone from a family of 4 to 3. It has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs and frankly - I haven't had it in me to speak about it without a sickness welling up inside me. The past 6 months were very difficult for us. However, the three years before it were much, much harder. You can't force someone to change or to grow. You can only ask to be treated better: with the respect you deserve, to be shown love instead of given fear, and to be treated like an equal - not a property. And you can only hope that it will happen for you. If a person you love chooses not to change the behavior that's hurting you or refuses to grow with you, you have to ask yourself how long you wan...