~ Lose up to 7 lbs in 7 days ~

Lose up to 7lbs in 7 days ~
~This post contains affiliate links~

Summer is just around the corner!

We all say we're going to lose all the holiday weight by the time bikini season rolls around.
Believe me, I say it every year right around January 1st. 

It's time to make a change! Time to clean up my eating habits! Time to exercise! 
Honestly, we all know it's more like, "time to eat a salad followed by 2 burritos and a plate of hashbrowns washed down with a diet shake."

If you've gone through this cycle year after year and are feeling fed up with that extra bit of chub around the midsection where the Oreos live, the taco tummy, and the burrito booty then this is the place for you to start.

I found myself at a size 14 when I first used this plan. That was post-baby weight (1-year post...) and it needed to go. I saw a picture of myself on the back of a camel at the zoo and I instantly felt bad for that poor camel's back. That was the first time I realized I needed to do something about my weight.

Now, like any normal human being, my weight has fluctuated throughout the years. Sometimes I just get tired of trying. Life gets busy. I get stressed out and stress eat my way into a few too many extra pounds. 

But, with this 7-day jumpstarter, I've lost it all every time. Now if I could just keep my cravings in check I'd never have to do it again...

~Keto is not good for you~

Before I get too far, I have to touch on this subject.
I know you've all seen the keto diets. NO CARBS! NO CARBS! 
Well, the slogan should be WE STARVE! WE STARVE! Because that is what a keto diet is. You are pushing your body into a state of starvation where you basically begin eating yourself. What happens when your body runs out of fat to eat? It turns on those muscles you know and love. 

From the research I've done, I have found nothing healthy about reaching and remaining in ketosis. 
However, there is nothing wrong with lowering carbs. There are good carbs and bad carbs. Don't throw them all out!

~Your Nutrition Numbers~

Nutrition numbers

There are many apps out there that can help you find your nutrition numbers.
By nutrition numbers, I am referring to your calorie intake, carbs, fats, sodium, etc.  
You need to find your numbers to place your limits and jump into weight loss.

One great and easy to use site is on calculators.org. You can enter your age, gender, weight, height, and goal to find your suggested calorie intake.

BUT, it's not just the calories you need to count. A free app called "My Fitness Pal" is an even better tool to use because it will calculate everything else you need to shed those pounds.
Not only that, but you can enter every bite you take to accurately count and keep track of your daily nutrition.

Don't let the numbers scare you. It can be as easy as pie (low-calorie pie) if you let it!

If you don't want to go that far, grab a pen and pencil and log your intakes on your own. 
This method is time-consuming and easy to lose interest in. 

SO, find a source your comfortable with, set your goals in numbers and get to it!

~Dive In!~

Are you ready to dive in?
Don't be scared, the water's fine!

Let's start with something easy. Grab yourself a piece of paper and a pen and take a seat (if you're not already seated) for a moment. 

At the top of the paper write the date you want to hit your goal weight.

Right below it, give yourself some encouragement. Take some time to find a quote that really (truly) moves you and use it as your mission statement. This will be your daily reminder and motivation to keep going.  

Next up, decide on your goal weight and write that down. Circle it, underline it, and put a star next to it. (For the love of all that is sweet and salty- choose something plausible. Don't set a 3-month goal to lose 90lbs. Start at 10-20lbs and go from there.)

When you've got your goal written down, calculate your daily intake and write it below your goal weight. 

For example, my calculations gave me these estimations:

I would suggest limiting your CARB intake to 200 or under. Believe me, it is very easy to fly over that number. Especially if you are a soda drinker...no sodas this week.

Now that you have your calculations, let's get moving toward your meal plan.

Monday ~*All about the fruits*~


Today you are going to start with something simple. 
Before you sit down to eat, drink a large glass of water.
Now, I want you to drink a small glass of skim milk and a bowl of fruit of your choice (NO BANANAS). When you are finished, drink another large glass of water.
If you need your morning coffee like I do - drink it black.

Snack Time:

A bowl of watermelon, cantaloupe, musk melon, or honeydew. 
Eat as much of these as you want.
Drink a large glass of water.

Lunch Time:

Seriously, more fruit? Yes, ma'am (or sir)!
Fill up another large glass with water and drink it down. Then get that fruit back out and fill a bowl!
Try something new. Go buy some kiwis, a plantain, mangos, or a dragon fruit. Make it fun! Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring.
When I was in the fruit stage of this plan, I used it as a photoshoot opportunity and bought some dragon fruits.
These beauties look amazing on a black plate just you know!

Snack Time:

I know you're feeling the hunger burn by now, but PLEASE stick with me. You can do it!
Fill up that glass and down another 8oz of water.
Grab your melons and chow down! (Watermelons, that is...) 
Eat as much of those melons as you like! They are so good for you!

Supper time!

Oh, you should be excited! It's time to eat some real food!
Don't get too excited though...you're not going to be filling your plate with pasta and pizza.
Start yourself off with a small salad. 
Add some cucumber slices, shredded cheese, broccoli, or whatever other veggies you love and use your favorite dressing. 
Next up: A cup of cottage cheese, 3 pickles, 1 small salmon steak (or tilapia if you prefer) half a sliced avocado, and a small baked potato.

 Now that you've gotten started, I'll get going with your next six days so you can get on with your business!


  • Black coffee or small cup of skim milk
  • Two eggs prepared to your liking
  • Large cup of water

Morning and afternoon snacks: 

  • As many vegetables as you'd like (any kinds)
  • Large glass of water

  • Large glass of water
  • Large salad with mixed greens and vegetables
  • Light dressing
  • Large glass of water

  • Large glass of water
  • 1-2 oz ground hamburger, cooked and seasoned to your liking
  • Small baked potato
  • Cooked or raw carrots
  • Medium glass of milk


Repeat Monday's plan with the exception of a chicken breast for dinner.


Repeat Tuesday's plan with the exception of salmon steak for dinner.



  • Large glass of water, black coffee, or tea
  • One large banana


  • Large glass of water
  • One large banana
  • Bowl of sliced melon
  • Large glass of water


  • If you get the urge - drink more water


  • Large glass of water
  • A small salad with mixed greens and vegetables
  • Low sodium/low-calorie soup of your choice with crackers and shredded cheese
  • Sliced banana for dessert 


Repeat Tuesday's plan


This is your day!
You can eat as you wish, BUT, please make good choices and don't go too crazy, but today is your day of rest - so to speak.

By now, your stomach is beginning to shrink and adapt to smaller meal intake. Keep that in mind today as you stray from the plan. 

If you're a die-hard, go ahead and repeat Monday's plan with a couple small special treats for yourself. Try adding a fiber bar, some Special K treats, or a bowl of your favorite cereal. Go wild, but not too wild!


And there you have it!
If you've followed this meal plan you should see the results Sunday morning.

A daily weigh-in is always recommended to keep your mind in check as you start your day. Weigh yourself in the morning in the same clothes each time and log your starting weight. REMEMBER, your weight is always lower in the morning, so if you choose to hit that scale again at the end of the day and see it fluctuate - don't be alarmed.

I hope this worked for you as well as it worked for me! 
Let me know what you think and show me your results!


I had to leave this to the end. 
If you want to add a light routine, more power to you. 
This diet plan is pretty strict so don't overdo the exercise. Too much could leave you a bit lightheaded and we don't want that.

Take care of yourself!


Low Carb Cream Cheese Recipe
Campfire Stew Recipe


  1. Is it really 1 oz of ground hamburger or is it supposed to be 10 oz?

    1. Yes 10, thanks for catching that! I'll edit that right away. :)


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