✫☼ ~Imbolc~ ☼✫ Day 4 & 5 | Pagan Holiday Celebration
If you haven't had a chance to check out the first three days of my holiday celebrations, you can do so here:
It sure has been a busy week around here! I've continued with my pre-Spring purge and have made some fairly impressive progress. Between garbage and donations, we should have our spare bedroom/storage unit in working order come Spring!
My bay leaf bowl altar is still burning strong and my bread is delicious. My daughters Kindergarten teacher asked for a loaf for her and the students to share and it was a hit! You'd think it'd be hard to part with, but when you end up with loaves as big as mine were...you're happy to donate for the sake of counter space.
Now, the exact date of Imbolc has been up to debate. Is it the 1st? Is it the 2nd?
Well - it is typically celebrated on February 1st, however with Groundhogs Day on the 2nd, it's been known to be moved along and that's ok! No matter what day you choose to celebrate this fine holiday - be it the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or even the 4th - it's all up to you and how you choose to do it.
Francis lives in my kitchen in an antique coffee/tea warmer and watches me cook.
He is also a very reliable therapist when venting about touchy subjects is necessary. He never says a word.
My bread came out of the oven more beautiful and delicious that I could have imagined!
I am happy to say that the braid on the left is the only remaining piece and I'm having to force myself to stay away from it until supper tonight.
Day 4, the 1st! I made some hand churned butter from whipping cream (what a work out, let me tell you...) as a topping for that delicious bread!
Imbolc is all about dairy, so why not!
Since I just couldn't get enough baking in - which is an odd thing for me - I kept on going with a beautiful cinnamon and sugar rolled breakfast loaf. My son has claimed it.
When I was growing up, I remember watching the bread rise on the window sill as it soaked up the sun. What better of a representation of welcoming back the sun can you get?
After relinquishing the apron for the day and took my puppy dog for a run, I spent some time caring for my windowsill garden.
These beautiful bean stalks are just itching to be transplanted into the earth. Unfortunately, little beans, you will remain in the windowsill garden for quite some time.
In the opening image above, you can see my mint flourishing!
(Not pictured just yet) Our sweet peppers and carrots grow on another sill in leftover coffee mugs that no longer fit in my cupboard thanks to my ever growing collection.
I was very happy to see that my forget-me-nots have a healthy sprout. They've cleared the rim of the bottle and new shoots are poking up from the soil.
And the strawberry sprouts!!
I was so happy to see these little guys making an appearance.
By spring we'll have berries to harvest from the windowsill!
Lastly for my 4th day of Imbolc, we have Lady Lavender.
I planted 24 cells yesterday in hopes that by may, my wind wall of lavender bushes will be ready to plant in my big empty pasture.I got the go ahead from my husband to flower it up!
The lavender will not only provide a lovely wall of purple, but when harvested it will be used in teas, sleep and stress sachets, oils, and tinctures. Perhaps I'll have some homemade lavender goodies to add to the shop come fall!
Today is my last day of Imbolc! And it has been a much more laid back day. Thanks to my pupper, Charlie, waking me up at 3am, I am a little on the slow side today.Not to worry! I still had plans I did not want to miss.
My morning started off with some bay leaf burning to get my wishes moving and to alleviate some stress. Inscribing your wishes on a bay leaf and burning them is a tradition in many Pagan holidays. At Yule, we did a variation of this and burned our wishes on scraps of paper since my bay leaf supply was empty at the time.
Not only is this a mentally warming activity, the fumes from the burned leaves has been known to relieve stress, anxiety, fatigue, and tension. What could be a better way to start the day?
They also open your mind to a more heightened state of awareness and calm. Since I have a 3rd novel to finish...I may have to burn these throughout the month!
The next thing I wanted to do was replenish my large feeder and hang my teacup bird feeder. I love watching the birds, especially since I can do so out my patio door window while sitting warm and snug in my papasan chair.
I made this feeder a while back out of a teacup and plate set a friend gave me, painted it black and pastel blue, and adhered them together with industrial strength glue. It gets windy out here!
The plastic piece on the front - the "stopper" if you will was a last minute add when I realized just how windy it was today. This one was hot glued on and raised high enough to feed seed through the bottom. It looks beautiful up close and fantastic from the window!
It was a little more filling than I expected, but at least the dessert takes an hour to cook.
If you're going all out, don't forget the baked custard!
**Due to stubborn ND weather, my fire plans were canceled. But, the wood stove in the house was still burning!*
That's it, my friends!
This wraps up my week of Imbolc!
How did you celebrate the holiday?
What rituals do you practice?
And tell me all about the food!
I would love to hear about your day, days, or week!
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