***Biotin Review***

~Biotin Review~

As some of you may know, I use a lot of home remedies for skin and hair. (mostly skin). The reason for this is that I suffer from some very annoying vitamin deficiencies that cause excessive hair shedding and my fingernails to peel off the top layer...gross, right?

My doctor recommended that I take biotin, prenatal vitamins, and calcium supplements to combat all of my issues. One thing that he didn't consider is the fact that I have cystic acne. Which sucks. A lot.

Cystic acne is the kind that gives you the big red sores that you normally cannot rid yourself of without medication that causes its own annoying side effects.

So here I am with my drugs to combat my ever relenting teenage leprosy, all thin-haired and peely finger-nailed. SO attractive, right?

I took my vitamins religiously every morning. My face continued to embarrass me and it hurt like hell. I would wake up in the morning and fight back tears as I saw new blemishes making their way onto my already terrible looking skin. I had scrubbed, masked, honeyed, peeled, exfoliated, hydrated, and toned every inch of my skin...but nothing would take the cysts away. New ones grew every day and my makeup fund was dwindling.

About a week ago, I stumbled across a comment on a post about homemade hair cream and biotin pills. I was on the highest dose of biotin at this time. Well, this comment stated that the woman couldn't take biotin because of her cystic acne. I kinda shook my head and wide-eyed myself and thought, "What the hell does that mean??"

That's when the research started. I googled and binged WebMD until I could google and bing no more. I read article after article about how cystic acne sufferers should NOT be taking this supplement (unless it's a very very, low dose) due to the fact that biotin and B5 are very similar and compete for absorption. This competition leads to low B5 in the system...which causes acne. Specifically cystic acne.

My heart sank. I had been taking this supplement for so long that I never even considered it as the problem to my "leprosy". I immediately stopped taking it. I did not throw it away since it cost me $9 and was a fairly new supply...but I put it in the far back of my cupboard until I get up the courage to send it to the dump.


It's been about a week now - biotin free - still taking my prenatals and my calciums and my skin is almost perfect! Yay!!!

My fingernails are still intact and my hair is doing pretty well yet (thanks to my homemade hair masks for hair growth) and I am quite a bit happier.

I've gotten to the point where I am no longer terrified for someone to see me without makeup on and that's a big big step for this mama!!

To sum this all up - DO YOUR RESEARCH!! If you suffer from some underlying condition, please do your research before starting with something new. Even if it is just a vitamin. It may make your condition much worse than you can possibly imagine.


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